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British Science Week - Amy's Story

To mark British Science Week, we’re #SmashingStereotypes and bringing you stories from staff in the Health Protection and Screening Services Directorate

Today, we’re bringing you Amy's story.

British Science Week - Kelly's story

To mark British Science Week, we’re #SmashingStereotypes and bringing you stories from staff in the Health Protection and Screening Services Directorate.

Today, we’re bringing you Kelly’s story.

British Science Week - Lee's Story

To mark British Science Week, we’re #SmashingStereotypes and bringing you stories from staff in the Health Protection and Screening Services Directorate.

Today, we’re bringing you Lee's story.

British Science Week - Dr Caoimhe McKerr's story

In celebration of British Science Week’s #SmashingStereotypes campaign, which profiles the diverse people and careers in science, we’ve spoken to colleagues about the stereotypes about working in science that they’d like to smash.

"Shaping Places for Well-being in Wales" Programme Aims to Tackle Health Inequalities

In a concerted effort to address health inequalities and enhance well-being across Wales, the "Shaping Places for Well-being in Wales" programme has been announced.  

Novel insights show the potential of data across health and care systems to inform support for unpaid carers in Wales

Unpaid carers suffer poorer physical and mental health than non-carers and use healthcare services more than the rest of the population, so it is essential that unpaid carers are able to access support and advice, for their own health and well-being and that of those they care for.

Official statistics show long term decrease in age-adjusted rate of cancer deaths but increased deprivation gap

The latest official statistics from Public Health Wales show that the rate of cancer deaths, when adjusted for age, has declined by more than 16 per cent between 2002 and 2022. 

Online hub to provide public health guidance for healthcare professionals

Public Health Wales’ Health Protection Team have launched a new online hub to help health professionals with advice and guidance on health protection issues and making notifications of infectious diseases. 

International evidence suggests tackling the underlying causes of early year's poverty is key to improve short and long-term health outcomes

2.46 million children under the age of 15 are living in relative income poverty in the UK. Poverty rates have remained high in Wales over the past two decades with children consistently at the highest risk of living in poverty of any age group.

Two thirds of public unaware of life-saving whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

The latest results from Public Health Wales’ Time to Talk Public Health panel survey shows that 65 per cent of the public are unaware that pregnant women are eligible for vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough).